Project Scope

Database Development

ESI-MS/MS database will be developed for over 5000 compounds. The developed database could then be utilized for the rapid identification of lead compounds in the plant extracts, pharmaceutical herbal products, botanicals and other complex mixtures.

Value Addition

The developed database will serve as a value addition tool for the exports, including raw materials for herbal remedies, botanical products, exported foods like mango and rice. The mass spectrometry profiling of these foods is known and can be incorporated into the developed database to enable batch to batch testing of these products.

Research Publications

The data will be published in the form of research papers in international peer-reviewed journals. This will help to highlight the significant contribution to science from our country.

Commercialization and Patenting

The developed database will be commercialized and provided to the industrial organizations around the globe on payment basis. This will generate revenue for our country.

Capacity Development

The developed database will be provided to all public sector universities of Pakistan so that a large number of students and researchers can benefit from this state-of-the art facility

High-throughput Identification

The developed database will be compatible with the Window operating system and could be run on PCs/laptops by the graduate/post graduate students or researchers for high-throughput searching of compounds.

International Linkages

The support of the international MassBank Consortium will help to build valuable linkages among the Pakistani and international scientists. This will enlighten the contribution of Pakistan in the field of science on a global scale. MassBank ( is an international forum where mostly European and advanced countries like USA and Japan are contributing. Pakistan would be the first third world country in their list.